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Charles Kuentz - Deux stèles d'Aménophis II: stèles d'Amada et d'Éléphantine
07.12.2018, 18:17

Стелите от Амада и Елефантина (последната раздробена на множество парчета, разпределени между музеите във Виена и Кайро) на Аменхотеп II (oк. 1427-1401 г. пр. н.е.) са с един и същи текст, описващ победите на владетеля във военни походи в Азия и щедрите му дарения за храмовете на боговете.

Charles Kuentz - Deux stèles d'Aménophis II: stèles d'Amada et d'Éléphantine, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1925 [BdE / BiEtud 10]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска епиграфика, Аменхотеп II, древноегипетска история, стели, Амада, Елефантина, Древен Египет
Views: 878 | Placed till: 07.01.2019 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Thеsе formidable monuments (elongated rectangular stela with a rounded top) with the same text had been erected by Amenhotep II after his return from his first Syrian war. Stela from Amada is existing in good condition, but second, from Elephantine is broken into numerous parts which have been divided between the Egyptian collections of Vienna and Cairo. The top of the stela is framed by a winged disk. Beneath it are two scenes showing the king facing the gods, divided by a central column of inscription. Hieroglyphic legends are inscribed over the two scenes. Greater part of the stela's surface is covered by a long inscription in horizontal lines. This text extols the king's warlike virtues, continuing with a list of his pious donations and architectural restorations to the temples. The images have been carved in low relief, whereas the signs of the inscriptions are deepened. On the right lateral side is another scene in relief.

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