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François Leclère, Jeffrey Spencer - Tell Dafana Reconsidered: The Archaeology of an Egyptian Frontier Town
04.03.2019, 14:35

Подлагайки на преоценка археологическия материал от разкопки на експедиция отпреди повече от век, монографията реконструира миналото на Тел Дафана, древния Дафне в Делтата на Нил. През VII-V в. пр. н.е. това е гръцка колония, осъществявала интензивен стокообмен между страната на фараоните и градовете-държави на Елада през Архаичния период.

François Leclère, Jeffrey Spencer - Tell Dafana Reconsidered: The Archaeology of an Egyptian Frontier Town, London, British Museum Press, 2014

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, Дафне, древноегипетска археология, Делта, Тел Дафана
Views: 995 | Placed till: 04.11.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
A comprehensive re-evaluation of the objects discovered in the 1886 excavation at Tell Dafana.

This book looks into the findings that were discovered in excavations for the Egyptian Exploration Fund in 1866. It considers the relationship between Egypt and Archaic Greece from the seventh century BC down to the to the fifth, through a re-assessment of the site of ancient Daphnae (now known as Tell Dafana) in the Nile Delta of Egypt.

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