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Giza. Eastern Necropolis I. The Tomb of Khafraankh G 7948
04.11.2018, 15:22

Отчет на Руската археологическа мисия в Гиза за проучването на скалната гробница на Хафраанх, висш администратор през втората половина от управлението на V династия от Старото царство - периода от царуването на Ниусерра до този на Джедкара Исеси (втората половина на XXV- първата половина на XXIV в. пр.н.е.) .

Eleonora Kormysheva, Svetlana Malykh, Sergey Vetokhov - Giza. Eastern Necropolis I. The Tomb of Khafraankh G 7948, Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, 2010

- на английски език, от Digital Giza- The Giza project at Harvard University, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Ниусерра, V династия, Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология, Хафраанх, Старо царство, Джедкара Исеси, Гиза
Views: 1085 | Placed till: 04.12.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The collective monograph opens the publication series of the results of works of the Russian Archaeological Mission at Giza investigating the ancient Egyptian capital necropolis of the Old Kingdom (III millennium B.C.).The first volume of the series “Giza. Eastern necropolis” is devoted to the rock-cut tomb of Khafraankh – the representative of royal administration living at the Dynasty V and buried on the eastern edge of the Eastern plateau of Giza.The purpose of this publication is introduction in a scientific use the results of archaeological and epigraphic research of the rock-cut tomb of Khafraankh. The tomb was known earlier on K.R. Lepsius’s short records and copies of reliefs of the XIX century. It wasn’t excavated before. Meanwhile, the material received during the field works of the Russian Archaeological Mission at Giza, provided additional data on functioning of the tomb and funeral rites of the Old Kingdom. New copies of reliefs of the tomb chapel allowed to specify dating of the tomb of Khafraankh and to carry the building time to the middle – second half of the Dynasty V (reigns of Niuserra– Djedkara Isesi).The publication of architectural, epigraphic, relief, ceramic and anthropological materials is accompanied by the detailed scientific comment on each subject of research (architectural and iconographic features of the tomb, epigraphic specifics, history of an existing of various types of local and import pottery).

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