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Joshua R. Trampier - Landscape Archaeology of the Western Nile Delta
05.08.2017, 14:08

Археологическо изследване на селищата в Западната Делта на Нил, съчетано с мултидисциплинарен подход за поставянето им в един цялостен контекст. За проучване на обектите Навкратис, Ком ел Хиш, Ком Фирин, Силвагу, Ком Дахаб и др. са използвани средствата и методите на хидрологията (исторически извори и модерни хидроложки проучвания), геоморфологията (седиментен анализ), картографията (вкл. радарното сканиране на релефа), топографската дейност (повръхностна топография и изземване на дълбочинни проби).

Joshua R. Trampier - Landscape Archaeology of the Western Nile Delta, Atlanta (Georgia), Lockwood Press, 2014 - на английски език, от MEGA, формат PDF, файлът не е архивиран.Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) и после през бутона Download through your browser.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Навкратис, Ком Дахаб, Делта, Ком ел Хиш, Древен Египет, Ком Фирин, древноегипетска археология, Силвагу, нил
Views: 1571 | Placed till: 05.09.2017 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Different ideas of what constitutes an archaeological site have developed over two centuries of scholarship and heritage law in Egypt, with sites often (unconsciously) conceived as lands with museum-quality pieces and striking monumental, mortuary, and/or epigraphic remains. As a result, the material record of the powerful dominates Egyptological discourse, leaving hundreds of unexplored sites in the Delta floodplain and their potential contributions to a narrative of Egyptian culture largely ignored. Attempting to correct this, the author integrates historical maps, remote sensing data, and ancient texts to understand the dynamic landscape of the western Nile Delta. Weaving together new archaeological survey, Corona satellite images, and a targeted program of drill coring, this volume offers a palimpsest of settlement and paleoenvironment from the New Kingdom to Late Roman era. In the face of forces undermining many sites' integrity, this study adapts techniques in landscape archaeology to an Egyptian context, anticipating triage and salvage in the decades to come.

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