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Joyce Tyldesley - Tutankhamen’s Curse: The developing history of an Egyptian king
01.01.2019, 17:07

Известната английска египтоложка Джойс Тилдъсли (р. 1960) разказва увлекателно историята за местонахождението на гробницата на Тутанкамон, архитектурните ѝ особености, нейното разкриване през есента на 1922 от екипа на Хауърд Картър (1874-1939), намиращите се в нея съкровища и тяхната съдба, аутопсията на мумията на владетеля.... И може би най-вече за легендарното проклятие на Тутанкамон в една прозаична, но съвсем не безинтересна светлина.

Joyce Tyldesley - Tutankhamen’s Curse: The developing history of an Egyptian king, London, Profile Books, 2012

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Joyce Tyldesley - Tutankhamen’s Curse: The developing history of an Egyptian king, London, Profile Books, 2012

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: египтология, Тива, Долина на царете, древноегипетска археология, Тутанкамон, Ново царство, Древен Египет
Views: 1001 | Placed till: 24.02.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Ninety years ago, Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen's mummy lying, surrounded by grave goods, in a virtually intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Egyptology would never be the same again. Tutankhamen's Curse approaches the story of the lost king and his development into a cultural icon with fresh eyes. Stripping away the layers of modern myths that threaten to obscure the king, it uses the evidence from his tomb to reconstruct a family and a history for Tutankhamen.

Tutankhamen's Curse is designed to appeal to the widest of readerships, from general readers and history fans to students of Egyptology and archaeology.

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