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Kevin R. Kaiser - Egyptian and Syro-Palestinian Bes-vessels from the New Kingdom through the Graeco-Roman Period
03.01.2018, 15:18

Дисертация посветена на глинените съдове с изображения на древноегипетския бог Бес, предназначени за съхранение на течности: вода, мляко, бира и вино. Тази керамика се появява за пръв път през епохата на Новото царство и просъществува до края на гръко-римския период. Авторът представя нейната употреба както в ежедневието, така и в заупокойните ритуали и като част от погребалния инвентар. Особено интересен е анализът на ДНК и протеиновите фрагменти в запазената част от съдържанието на някои образци. Материалът е допълнен с над 400 цветни изображения на съдове.

Kevin Robert Kaiser - Water, milk, beer and wine for the living and the dead : Egyptian and Syro-Palestinian Bes-vessels from the New Kingdom through the Graeco-Roman Period, Berkeley, University of California, 2003

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Бес, древноегипетска керамика, елинизъм, древноегипетско изкуство, Древен Египет, древноегипетска религия, Ново царство, древноегипетска археология, Римски Египет
Views: 1429 | Placed till: 20.08.2022 | Rating: 1.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Ceramic vessels decorated with the image of the Egyptian god Bes were widely disseminated throughout the ancient Near East, from Nubia in the south, through Upper, Middle and Lower Egypt, and northward to sites in Syria and Palestine, and even as far east as Persepolis in modern Iran. Bes-vessels first appeared during the New Kingdom and continued to circulate during the Late and Graeco-Roman Periods in Egypt, as well as during the Persian Period in Syria and Palestine. The author’s thesis presents nearly 400 examples of Bes-vessels and discusses the various forms, fabrics and decorative motifs of this unique pottery corpus, as well as the archaeological context and possible functions of the vessels as water, milk, beer and wine containers. Special emphasis is given to the ancient contents of the vessels as revealed by way of DNA and protein analysis directed by the author on a select number of Bes-vessels in museums in the Netherlands, Great Britain, Belgium and Italy. The author’s analytical analysis represents the first scientific study ever conducted to determine the contents of the
vessels. The study illustrates the continuity and evolution of the vessels in terms of their form, decoration and function over a period of some 1500 years and provides direct evidence that some of the vessels likely functioned as milk containers in funerary and domestic contexts.

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