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Kom El-Hisn (ca. 2500-1900 BC): An Ancient Settlement in the Nile Delta of Egypt
03.03.2018, 17:40

Ком ел Хисн, древният Яму или Иму, е древноегипетски град в северозападната част на Делтата на Нил. Разцветът му е през периода на Старото царство, когато е столица на Третия ном на Долен Египет ("Дома на добитъка"), като е обитаван и през Първия преходен период и епохата на Средното царство. Богиня-покровител на града е Хатхор, често сливана със Сехмет. Настоящият сборник е публикация на материалите, подготвени от американска експедиция през 80-те години.

Robert J. Wenke, Richard W. Redding, Anthony J. Cagle (eds.) - Kom El-Hisn (ca. 2500-1900 BC): An Ancient Settlement in the Nile Delta of Egypt, Atlanta (GE), Lockwood Press, 2016

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Първи преходен период, Старо царство, древноегпетска археология, Средноцарство, яму, иму, Древен Египет, Ком ел Хисн, Долен Египет, Делта
Views: 1644 | Placed till: 03.04.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This volume presents the findings of three seasons of excavation in the 1980s at Kom el-Hisn, "the mound of the fortress," in the northwest Nile Delta. This provincial community was often in the orbit of Memphis, the capital and administrative center of Egypt's Old Kingdom period. Small areas of occupations of the First Intermediate and early Middle Kingdom periods were also excavated. One of the goals of the excavations was to complement and compare the substantial ancient textual record of this era with Kom el-Hisn's archaeological record because such evidence is sparse for Lower Egypt between about 2500 and 1800 BC. The findings presented here reveal the complexity of small Old Kingdom settlements in the context of the Memphite state organization and shed light on the changing relationships of this administrative center with its provincial communities. Kom el-Hisn's faunal, floral, lithic, and architectural remains are presented and discussed in detail, as are some theoretical and methodological issues relevant to this research. With contributions by Paul E. Buck, Anthony J. Cagle, Michal Kobusiewicz, Karla Kroeper, Richard R. Redding, Sarah Sterling, Robert J. Wenke, Wilma Wetterstrom, Anna Wodzinska, and Alexandra Witsell.

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