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Joann Fletcher - The Search for Nefertiti
03.11.2018, 22:21

Удивителен разказ за работата на британската египтоложка от Йоркския университет Джоан  Флечър (р. 1966) в Долината на царете и Египетския музей в Кайро през 2003 и за нейния разтърсващ доклад, че е открила мумията на самата царица Нефертити, съпруга на великия фараон -реформатор Ехнатон (Аменхотеп IV) в групова находка на мумии от гробницата KV 35 (на Аменхотеп II, използвана впоследствие като скривалище на царски мумии).
Спонсорираният от Discovery Channel екип, в който има и съдебен антрополог обследва детайлно мумия, наречена "По-младата дама" (KV35YL или 61072), открита през 1898 от френския египтолог Виктор Лоре. Различни признаци, като наличието на перука (признак за принадлежност към царската фамилия) и най-вече ДНК тест показващ, че дамата е дъщеря на фараона Аменхотеп III и неговата съпруга царица Тейе карат екипа да направи заключение, че това е легендарната съпруга на Ехнатон- Нефертити (главна съпруга ан фараона да бъде сестра му е традиционният обичай в Древен Египет).
Новината, оповестена от екипа среща своите яростни опоненти, сред които е и тогавашният всесилен министър на древностите д-р Захи Хауас и е упорито оспорвана от множество специалисти. 
Въпреки това, хипотезата продължава да има своите горещи привърженици в научните среди и да вдъхновява археолозите, че дори и днес все още в Долината на царете могат да се правят поразяващи открития.

Joann Fletcher - The Search for Nefertiti. The true story of an amazing discovery, New York, William Morrow, 2004

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Added by: Admin |
Views: 983 | Placed till: 03.12.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
Many thanks for my friend Yejojanan Ajenaton Lopez Galvan from Monterey, Mexico for his great efforts to do such a lot of hard work scanning and preparing the file of this astonishing book and kind permission to be shared in my collection. Thank you!

2 Admin  
Her power was rivaled only by her beauty. Her face has become one of the most recognizable images in the world. She was an independent woman and thinker centuries before her time. But who was Egypt's Queen Nefertiti?After years of intense research, Dr. Joann Fletcher has answered the questions countless researchers before her could not. While studying Egyptian royal wigs, she read a brief mention of an unidentified and mummified body, discovered long ago and believed to belong to an Egyptian of little importance. This body happened to have a wig, which Dr. Fletcher knew was a clear sign of power. After examining the hairpiece and the woman to which it belonged, to the astonishment of her colleagues she identified this body as the missing remains of Queen Nefertiti.The search for Nefertiti had ended. She had been found. But the questions were just beginning.Nefertiti first rose to prominence in Egyptology in 1912, when a three-thousand-year-old bust of the queen was unearthed and quickly became a recognizable artifact around the world. But pieces of Nefertiti's life remained missing. The world had seen what she looked like, but few knew about her place in history.Virtually nothing is recorded about Nefertiti's early years. What is known about her life starts with her rise to power, her breaking through the sex barrier to rule as a virtual co-Pharaoh alongside her husband, Akhenaten. Upon his death she took full control of his kingdom. The Egyptian people loved her and celebrated her beauty in art, but the priests did not feel the same way. They believed Nefertiti's power over her husband was so great that she would instill her monotheistic beliefs upon him, rendering their own power obsolete. Egyptologists concur that it was these priests who, upon Nefertiti's death, had her name erased from public record and any likeness of her defaced. This ultimately led to her being left out of history for three thousand years.In The Search for Nefertiti Dr. Fletcher, an esteemed Egyptologist, traces not only her thirteen-year search for this woman, whose beauty was as great as her power, but also brings to the forefront the way Egypt's royal dead have been treated over time by people as varied as Agatha Christie and Adolf Hitler. She also explores how modern technology and forensics are quickly changing the field of archaeology and, in turn, what we know about history.In 2003, Fletcher and a multidisciplinary scientific team from the University of York, including the forensic anthropologist Don Brothwell, took part in an expedition to the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, sanctioned by Dr Zahi Hawass, then head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), where the hypothesis was put forward by Fletcher that one of the three mummies studied could be the mummified body of Queen Nefertiti, all three mummified bodies being found among a cache of mummies in tomb KV35 in 1898. This followed the team's scientific findings, and the hypothesis was included in the official report submitted to Hawass and the SCA shortly after the 2003 expedition.The expedition, the result of twelve years of research, was funded by the Discovery Channel, which also produced a documentary on the findings.Fletcher's conclusions have been dismissed by some Egyptologists, who claim that the mummy is in question and that evidence used to support Fletcher's theories is insufficient, circumstantial, and inconclusive. Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, subsequently banned her from working in Egypt because he said "Dr Fletcher has broken the rules".But British archaeologists have "leapt to her defence", however, and the research team members stand by their findings. The team members maintain that no rules were broken, Fletcher got the Hawass ban lifted and was working again in the Valley of the Kings in April 2008. The scientists who were involved in the subject research are adamant that the research proves the KV35YL mummy is more likely than not the mummy of Nefertiti.

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