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Donald B. Redford - Excavations At Mendes
10.12.2019, 12:30

Мендес (др. ег. Джедет, дн. Тел ел Руба) е град в източната част на Делтата на Нил, столица на 16-тия долноегипетски ном Ха. При управлението на XXIX династия (399-380 г. пр. н.е.) е столица на страната.
Настоящият археологически отчет на известния египтолог Доналд Редфорд (R. 1934) представя резултата от серия разкопки през периода 1991-1995 и включва описание на царския некропол с гробницата на Неферит I (Нефааруд, 399-393 г. пр. н.е.), погребения на частни лица, светилището на богинята-риба, градските стени със следи от големи разрушения при повторното завоюване на страната от персите (ок. 343 г. пр. н.е.), различни надписи, както и керамика свидетелстваща за търговски контакти с Финикия и гръцките острови.

Donald B. Redford - Excavations At Mendes: Volume I. The Royal Necropolis, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2004 [Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 20]

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Donald B. Redford, Susan Redford (eds.) - Excavations At Mendes: Volume II. The Dromos and Temple Area, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2020 [Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 105]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Мендес, Древен Египет, Делта, XXIX династия
Views: 1095 | Placed till: 12.02.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
First volume constitutes the final report on the excavations at the royal necropolis of the city of Mendes, which occupied 5 summer seasons from 1991 to 1995. The burial of king Neferites I, founder of Dynasty 29 (399-393 B.C.) is described along with other burials, the city walls, the shrine of the fish-goddess and sundry inscriptions. The pottery recovered is treated in extenso, and sheds a flood of light on Mendes' trade relations in the 5th-4th Cent. B.C. with Phoenicia and the Greek islands.
Of particular interest is the startling new discovery of a massive destruction layer which can be pinpointed to around 343 B.C. This clearly reflects the reprisals taken by the conquering Persians after they had re-occupied Egypt.

2 Admin  
The second volume of Excavations at Mendes furthers the publication of our archaeological work at the site of Tel er-Rub’a, ancient Mendes, in the east central Delta. Mendes is proving to be one of the most exciting sites in the Nile Delta. Occupied from prehistoric times until the Roman Period, Mendes reveals the nature of a typical Late Egyptian city, its distribution of economy, and demography. The discoveries reported on in this volume were wholly unexpected, and bear meaning fully on Ancient Egyptian history: these include the prosperity and size of the original Old Kingdom city, the major contributions of Ramesses II and Amasis to the monumental nature of the city, and the role of the city in the period c. 600–100 B.C. as an entrepot for Mediterranean trade.

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