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Eckley B. Coxe Junior Expedition to Nubia [ECJ-EN]
26.10.2014, 20:24

Поредица археологически проучвания, обобщаващи резултатите от експедицията на Университета на Пенсилвания (САЩ) в Нубия и нейните разкопки в Караног, Шаблул и Бухен.


[ECJ-EN 1] D. Randall-MacIver, C. Leonard Woolley - Areika. With aChapter on Meroitic Inscriptions by F. Ll. Griffith, Oxford, Oxford University Press-University of Pennsylvania, 1909

[ECJ-EN 2] Geoffrey S. Mileham - Churches in Lower Nubia, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, 1910

[ECJ-EN 3] C. Leonard Woolley, D. Randall-MacIver -Karanòg.The Romano-Nubian Cemetery. Text, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, 1910

[ECJ-EN 5] C. Leonard Woolley - Karanòg.The Town, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, 1911

[ECJ-EN 6] F. Ll. Griffith - Karanòg.The Meroitic Inscriptions of Shablûl and Karanòg, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, 1911

[ECJ-EN 7] D. Randall-MacIver, C. Leonard Woolley - Buhen. Text, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, 1911

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, Бухен, Нубия, Караног, Шаблул
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