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Geoffrey Thorndike Martin - Corpus of Reliefs of the New Kingdom from the Memphite Necropolis
24.01.2021, 12:55

Обзор на релефите от епохата на Новото царство  (XVI-XI в. пр. н.е.) в гробниците на Мемфиския некропол и Долен Египет. Автор е авторитетният английски археолог Джефри Торндайк Мартин (р. 1934).


Geoffrey Thorndike Martin - Corpus of Reliefs of the New Kingdom from the Memphite Necropolis and Lower Egypt. Volume I. Text, London, KPI (Kegan Paul International), 1987

Geoffrey Thorndike Martin - Corpus of Reliefs of the New Kingdom from the Memphite Necropolis and Lower Egypt. Volume I. Plates, London, KPI (Kegan Paul International), 1987


Geoffrey Thorndike Martin - Corpus of Reliefs of the New Kingdom from the Memphite Necropolis and Lower Egypt. Volume 1, London- New York, Routledge, 2022 [Chatham House Papers]

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Views: 622 | Placed till: 24.12.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Overview of the reliefs from the era of the New Kingdom (XVI-XI century BC) in the tombs of the Memphis necropolis and Lower Egypt. The author is the authoritative English archaeologist Geoffrey Thorndike Martin (b. 1934).

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