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Gianluca Miniaci - The Middle Kingdom Ramesseum Papyri Tomb and its Archaeological Context
14.02.2021, 20:03

През археологическия сезон 1895-1896 английските египтолози Уилям Матю Флиндърс Петри и Джеймс Едуард Куибъл провеждат разкопки зад заупокойния храм на Рамзес II (Рамесеума). Неочаквано там се натъкват на шахтов гроб от епохата на Средното царство (прибл. XVIII в. пр. н.е.) в него те откриват изящни фигурки, резбовани слонски бивни и най-богатата колекция папируси от онази епоха, откривани някога в единично погребение. Настоящата монография описва детайлно находките, придружени с цветни илюстрации и обосновава хипотеза къде би могло да бъде действителното разположение на гроба.

Gianluca Miniaci - The Middle Kingdom Ramesseum Papyri Tomb and its Archaeological Context , London, Nicanor Books, 2020

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Gianluca Miniaci - The Middle Kingdom Ramesseum Papyri Tomb and its Archaeological Context , London, Nicanor Books, 2020

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Тива, папируси, Тивански некропол, Рамесеум, древноегипетска археология, Средно царство
Views: 445 | Placed till: 14.03.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
In 1895–96, William Matthew Flinders Petrie and James Edward Quibell discovered a shaft-tomb below the ‘Ramesseum’, the funerary temple of Ramses II at Thebes, Egypt. This is most famous for having the largest group of Middle Kingdom papyri – also known as the Ramesseum Papyri – found in a single spot together with a number of distinctive objects, such as carved ivory tusks and miniature figurines in various materials dated around XVIII century BC. Gianluca Miniaci attempts to thoroughly reconstruct the archaeological context of the tomb: the exact find spot (forgotten afterwards its discovery), its architecture, the identity of its owner(s) and recipient(s) of the assemblage of artifacts. A detailed analysis of the single artifacts – provided for the first with full color photographic records and drawings – and their network of relations gives new life to the Ramesseum assemblage after more than a century from its discovery.

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