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Jacques Vandier - Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne
16.08.2017, 20:44


Великолепният многотомник на френския египтолог Жак Вандие (1904-1973), завеждащ секцията за египетски древности в Музея Лувър. Първата част на първия том разглежда археологическите артефакти от предисторическия период, когато процъфтяват земеделско-пастирските култури на късния неолит и халколита, довели до формирането на древноегипетската държавност.

Първата част на втория том се занимава с гробничната архитектура от безкрайно дългия период на блестящата зряла египетска цивилизация, a втората с храмовата и гражданска архитектура.

Третият том обхваща цялото огромно разнообразие на египетските статуи.

Jacques Vandier - Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne. Tome I : Les époques de formation. I-ère partie : La préhistoire, Paris, A. et J. Picard et C-ie, 1952 

Jacques Vandier - Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne. Tome II : Les grandes époques. I-ère partie : L'architecture funéraire, Paris, A. et J. Picard et C-ie, 1954 

Jacques Vandier - Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne. Tome II : Les grandes époques. II-ème partie : L'architecture religieuse et civile, Paris, A. et J. Picard et C-ie, 1955 

Jacques Vandier - Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne. Tome III : Les grandes époques. La statuaire. I-ère partie : Texte, Paris, A. et J. Picard et C-ie, 1958 

Jacques Vandier - Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne. Tome III : Les grandes époques. La statuaire. II-ème partie : Album de 174 planches, Paris, A. et J. Picard et C-ie, 1958

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско изкуство, древноегипетски храмове, древноегипетска архитектура, древноегипетски статуи, древноегипетски гробници, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска религия
Views: 3324 | Placed till: 16.09.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 6
1 Admin  
By kindest support of Lamis Mohamed
Thank you, your gift is really appreciated!

The first volume first part and second and third volumes in whole of magnificent manual of Egyptian archaeology by famous French egyptologist Jacques Vandier (1904-1973), head of Egyptian antiquities in Louvre Museum.
First of the first volume part is treating the artifacts from prehistoric age - the period when flourished the pastoral and agricultural societies from late neolitic and chalcolitic ages, and the state formation is born.

Second volume is dealing with the fumerary, temple and civil architecture.
Third volume is concerning the ancient Egyptian statues.

2 tkngm  
Hi, the link is not working any-more, can you share again the volume?

3 Admin  
Link is repaired and now you can download the file.
So, the volumes II and III are added in whole (first and second part of each one)!

4 Admin  
Voyez cette image, s'il vous plait!

5 ahmadsoliman2010  
could you kindly allow the fourth volume 6 to download:

scènes de la vie agricole à l'ancien et au moyen empire.
Bas-reliefs et peintures, Volume 6

Your effort is greatly appreciated

6 Admin  
For my regret I don't have this volume.

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