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James C. R. Gill - Dakhleh Oasis and the Western Desert of Egypt under the Ptolemies
30.06.2020, 13:21

Детайлно изследване на керамиката от оазиса Дахла в Западната пустиня през епохата на Птолемеите. Разгледан е процесът на експоненциално нарастване на популацията като резултат от целенасочената вътрешна политика на династията. Сравнени са проявите на този популационен бум и в останалите оазиси в региона: Харга, Фарафра, Бахария и Сива.


James C. R. Gill - Dakhleh Oasis and the Western Desert of Egypt under the Ptolemies, Oxford - New York, Oxbow Books, 2016

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James C. R. Gill - Dakhleh Oasis and the Western Desert of Egypt under the Ptolemies, Oxford - New York, Oxbow Books, 2016

- на английски език, от Google Drive,формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Бахария и Сива, елинизъм, Птолемеи, Западна пустиня, Дахла, Фарафра, Харга, Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология
Views: 398 | Placed till: 30.07.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Through an analysis of recently discovered Ptolemaic pottery from Mut al-Kharab, as well as a re-examination of pottery collected by the Dakhleh Oasis Project during the survey of the oasis from 1978–1987, this book challenges the common perception that Dakhleh Oasis experienced a sudden increase in agricultural exploitation and a dramatic rise in population during the Roman Period. It argues that such changes had already begun to take place during the Ptolemaic Period, likely as the result of a deliberate strategy directed toward this region by the Ptolemies. This book focuses on the ceramic remains in order to determine the extent of Ptolemaic settlement in the oases and to offer new insights into the nature of this settlement. It presents a corpus of Ptolemaic pottery and a catalogue of Ptolemaic sites from Dakhleh Oasis. It also presents a survey of Ptolemaic evidence from the oases of Kharga, Farafra, Bahariya and Siwa. It thus represents the first major synthesis of Ptolemaic Period activity in the Egyptian Western Desert.

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