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Joanna Dębowska-Ludwin - Early Burial Customs in Northern Egypt
06.08.2023, 10:14

Обзор на резултатите от разкопките на некропола в Тел ел Фарха, източния район на Делтата на Нил. Погребенията в него датират от Преддинастичния, Протодинастичния и Раннодинастичния периоди и дават важни сведения за заупокойните практики и ритуали в Египет през онази далечна епоха.

Joanna Dębowska-Ludwin - Early Burial Customs in Northern Egypt. Evidence from the Pre-, Proto-, and Early Dynastic Periods, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2013 [BAR International Series 2571]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Тел ел Фарха, древноегипетски ритуали, Древен Египет, древноегипетски некрополи, раннодинастичен период, Преддинастичен период, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска археология
Views: 486 | Placed till: 06.09.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The book presents issues relating to the oldest known examples of human mortuary practices from the area of Northern Egypt and dating to the end of the Early Dynastic period. The research surveys changes in sepulchral architecture, offerings, body positioning and other elements of generally understood burial customs. Space is also found for discussions on social stratification, political development of the early Egyptian state and the Lower Egyptian cultural legacy, which contributed to the rich Egyptian civilization. The story focuses on recent archaeological fieldworks with a special stress on the revealing necropolis of Tell el-Farkha.

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