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Joyce Filer - The Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy
10.05.2020, 10:52

Увлекателен разказ за живота на Хорнеджитеф, жрец в храма на Амон в Карнак през ранната епоха на Птолемеите (царуването на Птолемей III - 246-222 г. пр.н.е.), както и за неговата мумия и погребален инвентар, съхранявани в Британския музей. Свещенослужителят е погребан в богато украсен саркофаг и сред ленените повивки на мумията са открити разкошни, изящно изработени бижута.


Joyce Filer - The Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2003


Joyce Filer - The Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2003


Joyce Filer - The Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2003

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Карнак, мумии, Хорнеджитеф, Птолемеи, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска археология, Британски музей, Амон, Древен Египет
Views: 684 | Placed till: 10.06.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Uncover the secrets of Hornedjitef--the man and the mummy! Hornedjitef was a priest of the temple of Amun in ancient Egypt more than 2,000 years ago. His mummy was carefully prepared for the afterlife with a golden mask, expensive jewelery and amulets, and two elaborate coffins. But who was he? How do we know his name? What job did he do? Where did he live, and what was his life like in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago? Experts at the British Museum have uncovered a huge amount of evidence about Hornedjitef. They have used the most up-to-date scientific techniques, plus a lot of careful archaeological detective work. Now readers can get on the case and discover Hornedjitef's secrets! In The Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy, readers can follow the fascinating detective work of experts in the British Museum who have discovered the evidence of who he was, his age and health, his home, his job, and what his life was like in ancient Egypt.

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