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Ritual Landscape and Performance
19.07.2021, 07:54

Сборник доклади от едноименната египтоложка конференция, състояла се в университета Йейл през 23-24 септември 2016. Фокусът на изследванията са разкритите при археологически разкопки архитектурни ансамбли в Сакара, Ел Берша, Абидос, Тива и Аниба (в Нубия) като комплекси, оформящи единна ритуализирана среда за провеждане на религиозни церемонии.

Christina Giesen (ed.) - Ritual Landscape and Performance: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ritual Landscape and Performance, Yale University, September 23-24, 2016, New Haven (CT), Yale University Press, 2019 [Yale Egyptological Studies 13]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска археология, Древен Египет, Тива, Абидос, древноегипетски ритуали, Ел Берша, древноегипетска религия, Сакара, Аниба, древноегипетска архитектура
Views: 758 | Placed till: 19.08.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Ritual Landscape and Performance contains the peer-reviewed Egyptological contributions from the homonymous conference held at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations of Yale University on September 23-24, 2016. The various articles discuss the use of ritual landscape from the Old to the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, by focusing on landscape archaeology of specific sites such as Saqqara, el-Bersheh, Abydos, Thebes, as well as Aniba in Nubia. Further contributions elucidate the interaction of desert and the Nile Valley through rock art, the depictions of watery environments in the delta and their association to rituals, as well as the habitation of landscapes using the example of southern Middle Egypt.

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