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Robert Loynes - A study of human embalming techniques in ancient Egypt using computerised tomography scans of mummies
28.02.2023, 11:51

Оригинална монография, използваща данните от компютърно-томографско изследване на 60 образци от мумии, съхранявани във Великобритания и Европа. Така проведените "виртуални аутопсии" не само не увреждат тези ценни археологически обекти, но и предоставят важни данни за технологията на мумифициране, специфичните похвати, използвани от отделните "школи" и други интересни за египтолозите подробности. Хронологичният обхват на образците е от времето на Средното царство до Римската епоха.

Robert Loynes - Prepared for Eternity. A study of human embalming techniques in ancient Egypt using computerised tomography scans of mummies, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2015 [Archaeopress Egyptology 9]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология, египтология, мумии
Views: 285 | Placed till: 28.03.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This publication brings together personal analyses of sixty CT scans of ancient Egyptian human mummies collected from many museums throughout the UK and continental Europe. The effect is that of performing ‘virtual autopsies’ (‘virtopsies’) allowing techniques of mummification to be examined. The historical age of the mummies ranges from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period. Several new observations are made regarding the preparation of mummies and confirmation of previously described themes is tempered by the observation of variations probably indicating individual workshop practices. The work presents a springboard for further detailed research on the subject. About the Author: Robert Loynes is an Orthopaedic Surgeon who, after retirement, carried out the research described in this publication and was subsequently awarded a PhD in Egyptology. His lifelong interest in Egyptology and a lifetime career using medical images fired his passion for the subject of mummy research specifically using CT scans as a tool.

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