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The Tomb of Meryneith at Saqqara
05.06.2022, 06:25

Меринейт е висш сановник от епохата на Амарна, живял при управлението на фараона-еретик Ехнатон (Аменхотеп IV, прибл. 1353/1351-1336/1334 г. пр. н.е.). Заема поста главен жрец на Атон в новия храм на божеството в Мемфис и умира през ранните години от управлението на Тутанкамон (ок. 1333/1332-1324/1323 г. пр. н.е.). Гробницата му в Мемфис е открита сравнително скоро (2001 г.) от съвместен екип на археологическия музей и университета в Лайден, Нидерландия. Изключителната ценност на обекта се състои в това, че за разлика от повечето гробници от тази епоха е сравнително непокътнат и както релефите, така и фреските и най-вече надписите са изцяло съхранени, избягвайки унищожението от ръцете на привържениците на традиционната религия. От тях ние научаваме за особеностите в развитието на реформаторската религиозна доктрина - например смяната на името на собственика от Меринейт на Мерире като знак за обръщането му от поклонник на богинята Нейт в привърженик на слънчевото божество.

Maarten J. Raven, René van Walsem (ed.) - The Tomb of Meryneith at Saqqara, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2014 [PALMA Egyptology: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities 10]

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Maarten J. Raven, René van Walsem (ed.) - The Tomb of Meryneith at Saqqara, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2014 [PALMA Egyptology: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities 10]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Аменхотеп IV, Ехантон, древноегипетска религия, Меринейт, Древен Египет, Мемфис, Амарна
Views: 547 | Placed till: 05.07.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This funerary monument of a high Memphite official was discovered by a joint expedition of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities and Leiden University in 2001. Meryneith started his career as steward of the Memphite temple of the sun god Aten during the reign of the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten. During midlife, he may have joined the court set up by the Pharaoh at the new capital at Amarna. He ended his career under Tutankhamun as high-priest of the Aten in the Memphite temple again. Thereby, the importance of the tomb of Meryneith lies in the fact that for the first time it allows us to witness various stages in the rise and fall of the Amarna heresy from a Memphite point of view. Thus the tomb-owner was apparently forced to change his name from Meryneith - with its reference to the now proscribed goddess Neith - into Meryre. Several other variants of his name and some additional titles came to light, revealing various stages in his career. These stages mirror the ideological developments of the Amarna Period and its immediate aftermath, which are further illustrated by the different styles of the decoration of the tomb. This proved to be remarkably well preserved and consists of both wall-reliefs and paintings on mud plaster. Thanks to the evidence of the inscriptions, it can be observed how the tomb was built and decorated in various stages, each characterized by a marked change in style and iconography. The present report includes a full description of these wall scenes, as well as chapters on the career of the tomb-owner, on the double statue of Meryneith and his wife found in one of the west chapels, and on the objects, pottery, and skeletal material found in the course of the excavations.

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