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Theban Tombs series [TT]
24.12.2019, 21:39

Серия археологически отчети от проучването на частни гробници в Тиванския некропол от Норман де Гарис Дейвис (1865-1941) Нина Макферсън де Гарис Дейвис (1881-1965) и сър Алън Гардинър (1879-1963).


[TT 1] Alan H. Gardiner, Nina de Garris Davies - The tomb of Amenemhēt (No 82), London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1915

[TT 2] Norman de Garris Davies, Nina de Garris Davies - The tomb of Antefoḳer, Vizier of Sesostris I, and of his wife Senet (No 60), London, George Allen & Unwin, 1920

[TT 3] Norman de Garris Davies, Nina de Garris Davies - The tombs of two officials of Tuthmosis the fourth (Nos. 75 and 90), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 1923

[TT 4] Norman de Garris Davies, Nina de Garris Davies - The tomb of Ḥuy, Viceroy of Nubia in the reign of Tutánkhamûn (no. 40), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 1926

[TT 5] Norman de Garris Davies, Nina de Garris Davies - The tombs of Menkheperrasonb, Amenmosĕ, and another (nos. 86, 112, 42, 226), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 1933

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска археология, Древен Египет, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска архитектура, Тива, Тивански некропол
Views: 1947 | Placed till: 24.01.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
A series of archaeological reports concerning the investigation of some private tombs in the Theban Necropolis by Norman de Garis Davies (1865-1941) Nina Macpherson de Garis Davies (1881-1965) and Sir Alan Gardiner (1879-1963).

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