Сряда, 03.07.2024, 11:22
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Wahid Omran - The Afterlife in Akhmim: Exploring El-Salamuni Tombs C1 and C3
10.02.2024, 12:47

През римската епоха Ахмим (др. ег. Хент-Мин, копт. Хмим/Шмим, гр. Хемис или Панополис) е процъфтяващ град в Среден Египет. В извисяващата се край него планина Ел Саламуни се намира местният некропол. Част от него са красиво изписаните с фрески гробници С1 и С3, където изобразителният стил съчетава по хармоничен начин традиционни египетски и римско-средиземноморски характеристики. На тези два забележителни паметника е посветена настоящата археологическа монография, снабдена с богат илюстративен материал.

Wahid Omran - The Afterlife in Akhmim: Exploring El-Salamuni Tombs C1 and C3, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2023 [BAR International Series 3137]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Римски Египет, Панополис, Древен Египет, Ахмим, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетско изкуство
Views: 575 | Placed till: 10.03.2024 | Rating: 1.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The El-Salamuni mountain, the main necropolis of Akhmim during the Graeco-Roman period, is still relatively intact and largely archaeologically unexplored. This book contains the first contextual data of El-Salamuni. It examines the great heritage significance of the necropolis, its topography, the history of its investigation, as well as the special characteristics of the funerary art and burial customs in the necropolis.
The text also documents the mountain’s painted tombs: C1 (the so-called Tomb of von Bissing 1897) and C3, which show a mixture of Egyptian-Roman art. Conservation work was conducted in Tomb C1 to remove debris, clean soot off its walls and ceilings, as well as reconstruct the vulnerable and damaged sections. Magnificent scenes were uncovered. A full photogrammetric documentation is provided of both tombs with their architectural layouts.
This is the first publication of the tombs in question with a pioneering digest of background material. Akhmim is a site that is in dire need of publication, and this book presents not only important new data, but also provides an extremely useful digest of previous work and of the topography of the sites in the region.

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