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Walter B. Emery - Excavations at Saqqara. The tomb of Hemaka
18.11.2018, 12:48

Археологически отчет за проучването на първата значителна гробница на висш административен сановник извън царското семейство: мастабата на Хемака в Сакара. Собственикът е важен чиновник по времето на фараона от I династия Ден (oк. 2970-2948 г. пр. н.е.): пазител на царския печат, главен ковчежник и управител на именията Her-tepi-khet и Her-sekhenti-dju.
Украсата и намерените в гробницата предмети демонстрират вече зряло елитарно изкуство, което ще достигне своя разцвет през последващата епоха.

Walter B. Emery - Excavations at Saqqara. The tomb of Hemaka, Cairo, Government Press, Bulaq, 1938

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Added by: Admin |
Views: 1024 | Placed till: 18.12.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Hemaka appears to have started out as an administrator and controller of a royal domain named Her-tepi-khet. Later, the more important domain Her-sekhenti-dju, which previously had been under the control of Amka and Sewadjka. was added to his responsibilities. He would keep control over both domains until the end of his life.The high office of royal sealbearer, sometimes also translated as chancellor, was added to his already impressive titulary somewhere during the reign of the Horus Den. As such, he stood at the head of the royal treasury and enjoyed the king's confidence. He is only one of the first people to have held such an important office, without being a member of the royal family.Hemaka was the owner of an impressive mastaba located in the northernmost part of Saqqara (nr. S3035), which is considered a masterpiece of architecture.
The size alone of his tomb hints at the wealth of its owner.

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