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Wolfram Grajetzki - Harageh: An Egyptian Burial Ground for the Rich around 1800 BC
31.05.2020, 12:18

Археологически отчет от обследването на музейни находки от древноегипетски некропол от времето на Средното царство, намиращ се в Харга, началото на оазиса Фаюм. Автор е известният специалист по този период, немският египтолог Волфрам Грайецки (р. 1950).

Wolfram Grajetzki - Harageh: An Egyptian Burial Ground for the Rich around 1800 BC, London, Golden House Publications, 2004

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска архитектура, Харга, древноегипетска археология, Средно царство, древноегипетска религия, Древен Египет
Views: 596 | Placed till: 30.06.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The modern town of Harageh lies at the entrance to the Fayum in Middle Egypt, not far from Lahun. Between 1913 and 1914 Reginald Engelbach excavated around 600 tombs in the area, published in 1923. This concise book revisits the site and its finds which include evidence from four major periods: Predynastic, late Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom an Coptic. Wolfram Grajetzki describes the location and nature of the cemeteries before looking at the finds - a rich array of faience figurines, religious text on pottery, papyri, inscriptions, stelae and jewellery.

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