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Ann H. Boman - The Private Chapel in Ancient Egypt
20.05.2020, 17:25

Анализ на частните светилища (параклиси, капели) в Древен Египет през епохата на Новото царство. Проучването е базирано на материала от работническите селища в Ел Амарна (Ахетатон, XVIII династия) и Деир ел Медина (Тиванския некропол- епохата на Рамесидите).

Ann H. Bomann - The Private Chapel in Ancient Egypt: A Study of the Chapels in the Workmen's Village at El Amarna with Special Reference to Deir el Medina and other Sites, London - New York, Kegan Paul International, 1991


Ann H. Bomann - The Private Chapel in Ancient Egypt: A Study of the Chapels in the Workmen's Village at El Amarna with Special Reference to Deir el Medina and other Sites, London - New York, Kegan Paul International, 1991


Ann H. Bomann - The Private Chapel in Ancient Egypt: A Study of the Chapels in the Workmen's Village at El Amarna with Special Reference to Deir el Medina and other Sites, London - New York, Kegan Paul International, 1991

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетски храмове, Рамесиди, древноегипетска археология, Тива, Древен Египет, XVIII династия, Ахетатон, древноегипетска религия, Ново царство, Деир ел Медина, Амарна
Views: 875 | Placed till: 20.12.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Analysis of private sanctuaries (chapels) in Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom. The study is based on material from the working-class settlements of El Amarna (Akhetaton, 18th dynasty) and Deir el Medina (Theban necropolis - the Ramesside era).

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