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Donald B. Redford - The Akhenaten Temple Project
17.07.2022, 08:29

Археологически обзор на релефите и надписите върху облицовъчните варовикови блокове (талатат) от храма в Луксор, построен през ранния период от царуването на Аменхотеп IV (1353/1351-1336/1334 г. пр. н.е.). Изследователският проект е осъществен от екип на университета в Торонто, Канада, под ръководството на Доналд Б. Редфорд.

Donald B. Redford - The Akhenaten Temple Project Vol. 2: Rwd-Mnw and Inscriptions, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1988 [Aegypti Texta Propositaque 1]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска архитектура, Луксор, древноегипетско изкуство, древноегипетска религия, талатат, XVIII династия, Ново царство, Аменхотеп IV, Древен Египет
Views: 519 | Placed till: 17.08.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
This volume contains hitherto unpublished talatat scenes from the temple Rwd-Mnw, matched from blocks in the concession of the Akhanaten Temple Project. As well as these reliefs, the volume contains five papers on previously published material: 'A.J. Spalinger contributes a study of an inscription published but not commented on in the first volume of the Akhenaten Temple Project. J.K. Hoffmeier and R.J. Leprohon write thematic studies on scenes of chariotry, and on Amarna temples, respectively. A.R. Schulman gives an historical study of Akhenaten's relationship with the Hittites, while E.S. Meltzer contributes an important glossary of all texts on talatat, both from the concession and the excavations.'

2 Admin  
Here had been a mistake in the download link. now the link is repaired and you can download the book.

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