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Eric Uphill - The Hawara Labyrinth of King Amenemhat III
11.12.2021, 12:54

Затрупаният днес от пустинните пясъци Лабиринт в Хавара, на входа на Фаюмския оазис е считан в древността за едно от най-големите архитектурни чудеса, надминаващо според древногръцкия историк Херодот дори и пирамидите. Грандиозната плетеница от полуподземни или подземни зали, колонади, коридори и камери днес се определя еднозначно като заупокойният храм на Аменемхет III (1860-1814 г. пр. н.е.), последния наистина могъщ владетел на XII династия от Новото царство. Не случайно той се намира в подножието на пирамидата в Хавара, считана за мястото, където някога в крайна сметка е погребан владетелят. На това забележително постижение на архитектурата е посветена настоящата монография.

Eric Parrington Uphill - Pharaoh's Gateway to Eternity: The Hawara Labyrinth of King Amenemhat III, London - New York, Routledge, 2010

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Eric Parrington Uphill - Pharaoh's Gateway to Eternity: The Hawara Labyrinth of King Amenemhat III, London - New York, Routledge, 2010

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Added by: Admin |
Views: 742 | Placed till: 11.01.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Father of history, father of lies: These descriptions show the conflicting viewpoints expressed by later scholars regarding the wonders Herodotus described in his travels. Among the buildings, the Egyptian Labyrinth was at the top of his list, and this has given rise to much speculation about its form, size, and purpose over the last two centuries. Pharoah's Gateway to Eternity searches for the answers to these problems, using anew approach in examining the basic textual and archaeological evidence available today. The result identifies the Labyrinth with the pyramidcomplex of the Twelfth Dynasty king Amenemhat III more firmly, and to reject the use of any architectural evidence other than that belonging to 1800 B.C. in the reconstruction of the temples and tombs of this great complex of buildings. The author uses unpublished material from Petrie's notebooks and letters forming an account of his excavations, as well as contemporary Middle Kingdom texts and architectural parallels.

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