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Gerard C. A. Fonte - Building The Great Pyramid In A Year
14.07.2020, 08:02

Оригинална теория на признат инженер-професионалист за възможността Великата пирамида на Хеопс (Хуфу) в Гиза да е била изградена за далеч по-кратко време от досега приемания сред историци и археолози срок. 
Отхвърляйки различните псевдонаучни и сензационистки представи за въображаеми високи технологии, авторът изгражда предположенията си единствено върху доказаните възможности, които са били на разположение на древните строители, както и на собствения си опит в архитектурното планиране и ръководството на процеси в строителството.


Gerard C. A. Fonte - Building The Great Pyramid In A Year: An Engineer's Report, New York, Algora Publishing, 2007

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Gerard C. A. Fonte - Building The Great Pyramid In A Year: An Engineer's Report, New York, Algora Publishing, 2007

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска архитектура, пирамиди, фараони, Старо царство, Гиза, древноегипетски технологии, Велика пирамида, Хуфу, хеопс, Древен Египет
Views: 457 | Placed till: 14.08.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
This fascinating book addresses the building of Egypt s Great Pyramid (Khufu or Cheops). Fonte, a practicing engineer with extensive experience in project management, is clearly passionate about pyramids. His main conclusion, based on forensic evidence, is that the Great Pyramid could have been built by 10,000 workers in just over one year, or in about four to six years by approximately 4,000 workers....Chapters address overall pyramid geometry; fallacies about pyramids; extant methods of moving, rolling, lifting, and quarrying limestone block; and sociology and population available for pyramid construction. Fonte also describes his interpretation of several archeological finds, such as cedar quarter circles and a proto-pulley....
The message and conceptual work in Building The Great Pyramid in a Year is stunning. It's based on the most reasonable premise that the ancient Egyptians were clever enough to design and build the pyramids in ways that used the least energy. Fonte is an iconoclastic thinker who backs his ideas with practice and theory. The arguments are well supported by references. 

Work smarter, not harder? Most archaeologists feel that 25,000 workers spent 20 years building the Great Pyramid in Egypt over 4000 years ago. However, by closely examining the clues and artifacts left behind, and by assuming that the Egyptians were clever and intelligent, it is found that 10,000 workers could have built the Great Pyramid in about 385 days. This book, for high school readers and up, shows how, even at a more realistic, relaxed building schedule, the project could have been completed easily within four to six years by just 4000 workers.
This demystifying study of Egyptian pyramid construction uses well documented analytical methods to knock down impractical theories - including some from mainstream Egyptologists - and poses new and exciting concepts. Backed up by compelling evidence that is carefully explained for the layperson, and a practical demonstration of a single man moving a 5000 lb. block, these new concepts dramatically reduce the manpower estimate to construct these Wonders of the Ancient World. Gerard Fonte, whose background is in engineering, deduces the function of previously misunderstood construction site artifacts and their relevance to historical writings about block moving "machines". Read this book, and you will not only gain insight to extremely efficient Egyptian construction techniques, but will also gain a new respect for these early artisans.
Indiana Jones would not appreciate the conclusions but if you want to understand the talents of the Egyptian pyramid builders, this is the book to read. You will learn more about circles than you dreamed possible and at the same time it will compel you to re-examine all that you see on TV about how these engineering marvels were constructed. The pyramids stand as testimony to the engineering genius of the Egyptians. It's about time someone also gave them credit for a little common sense. Fonte's ideas about energy management will open your eyes to what builders are still doing today.

2 Admin  
Gerard Fonte presents the construction of the Great Pyramid as a wonder indeed, while challenging our cherished notions of the arduous labor and extreme human costs required for the project. Starting with his knowledge of project management, the properties of basic materials, and common sense, and giving the Egyptians credit as a sophisticated and well-run society, he shows step by step how they may have built great edifices and enhanced social cohesion at the same time. He posits that some of the implements found at archeological sites were clever labor-saving devices, and using experiments, models and tests he illustrates some ingenious techniques that were well within the scope of Egyptians' technical knowledge. Photographs and diagrams support his theory.
This research covers all major aspects of pyramid building: quarrying, moving, placing, lifting, fitting the blocks, finishing the outer casing blocks, placing the top-most blocks, tool specifications, wood requirements and machine design. It examines Egyptian pyramids in general, general pyramid geometry, common pyramid fallacies, available worker population, social effects of large works and scale factors in engineering. It is important to emphasize that everything is based on archaeological remains, forensic evidence, engineering principles, common sense and creativity. Additionally, it presumes that the Egyptian builders were intelligent and innovative and would use the best available techniques.
In particular, two mysterious tools that have been found at the pyramid site are examined and found to instrumental for moving and lifting the blocks. The first is the wooden quarter circle or rocker which is made from imported cedar. The author built replicas of these tools and was able to move a 4200 pound concrete pyramid block 15 feet in less than 10 seconds by himself and from a stationary starting position. (The author was 52 years old and weighed 135 pounds at the time.) A forensic examination of the second tool, a proto-pulley , reveals that the Egyptians used a particular type of lever to lift the blocks. A time-motion examination showed that three men could lift a block a full course in just three minutes with this lever.
The conventional approaches of using ramps to lift blocks and sledges to move blocks are examined are shown to be flawed. The consequences of employing these methods lead to untenable situations, like a quarry that must supply twice as much rock than it can possibly hold.
Fonte is a practicing engineer with a private firm and has some 30 years of varied hands-on experience ranging from commercial products to military designs. He offers a forensic-engineering exploration of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Through a close examination of the clues and relics left behind, and working under the assumption that the Egyptians were intelligent and creative, Fonte concludes that the Great Pyramid at Giza could have been constructed in four to six years by 4,000 workers far less time than the estimate of 25,000 workers laboring over 20 years favored by most archaeologists. Illustrated with b&w photographs and diagrams, the text is academic but accessible to the general reader.

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