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John Romer - The Great Pyramid: Ancient Egypt Revisited
13.01.2024, 19:12

Великата пирамида на Хуфу (Хеопс) в Гиза е разпалвала въображението на поколения изследователи. Смята се, че нейните съвършени пропорции, гигантски мащаби и прецизно изпълнение са далеч отвъд възможностите на древните египтяни от епохата на Старото царство с техните примитивни каменни и медни оръдия на труда. На помощ на фантазьорите се притичат древни извънземни, свръхестествени същества и непознати високоразвити працивилизации.
Авторитетният британски египтолог Джон Ромър (р. 1941 г.) призовава за преразглеждане на всички стереотипи и апелира от една страна към здравия разум, а от друга към надеждността на фактите и археологическите находки. Неговата радикална в някои отношения, но научно перфектно издържана реконструкция разкрива пред нас с наистина невероятна смелост истини за замисъла, изпълнението и техните резултати. Оригинален негов принос за становищата, че от една страна пирамидата е изградена по единен предварителен план, а от друга, че е построена само за 14 години за сметка на огромна мобилизация на работна ръка: от 21 000 души през първата година на строежа и до над 10 000 през последната. В проучването науката се връща към своите корени, за да ни покаже, че това невероятно постижение е дело на самите египтяни, които са го изградили без чужда помощ - със средствата и възможностите на своята уникална древна култура.

John Romer - The Great Pyramid: Ancient Egypt Revisited, Cambridge - New York,Cambridge University Press, 2007

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Гиза, древноегипетска архитектура, Древен Египет, древноегипетска религия, пирамиди, Хуфу, Старо царство, фараони
Views: 462 | Placed till: 13.02.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The Great Pyramid's eerily precise architecture has for centuries both astounded and puzzled archaeologists and has given rise to numerous modern fantasies concerning the so-called 'Mystery of the Pyramids'. Sweeping away centuries of myth and confusion, John Romer describes for the first time exactly how the Great Pyramid was designed and built. He argues that the pyramid makers worked from a single plan whose existence has long been doubted and even denied by scholars. Moreover, the Great Pyramid's unique architecture is integral to the way it was built, and for its builders the tasks of construction and design were not separate as they are now. By placing this awesome monument in its genuine contemporary context, this book underlines the extraordinary talents and the originality of the ancient Egyptians at the time of King Khufu.
The largest and most precise stone building in the world and a feat of Bronze Age technology, the Great Pyramid of Giza was built around 2478 B.C. in the reign of King Khufu. But how did the Great Pyramid's makers go about their daily work? what were their timetables, their ambitions? Transposing to Giza some known facts about the building rates of the Red Pyramid during the reign of Khufu's father, Sneferu, archeologist Romer (Great Excavations) concludes that it would have taken 14 years to build the Great Pyramid and that a nationwide workforce of around 21,000 was employed during the first year of construction and almost half that number as it approached completion. Taking traditional Egyptologists to task, Romer warns readers against swallowing the "myth" that the Great Pyramid was built by a mindless rural labor force kidnapped from distant villages and enslaved by a bureaucracy governed by talented noblemen. Instead, he posits that the workers were intelligent and inventive. Moreover, the author believes that the builders worked from a single construction plan, a "hidden logic" denied by many scholars but that he claims he alone has recovered. Romer is a bracing writer with attitude to spare, yet highly technical data render this volume more suitable to architects than lay readers. 
A vast amount has been published on the pyramids, but this book offers a refreshing and distinctive approach based on sound scholarship and written in a style that often strikes a spark in the reader's imagination. One comes away reminded what an astonishing building the Great Pyramid is, out on its own in the realm of ancient Egyptian architecture, and therefore something that does not fit into the generalizations that we tend to seek.

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