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John Shae Perring - The pyramids of Gizeh: from actual survey and admeasurement
22.01.2024, 07:21

Едно от първите модерни проучвания на пирамидите в Гиза, Сакара и Абу Роаш. Изследването е фокусирано върху архитектурата, материалите и технологиите използвани при строежа на тези паметници. Съпроводено е с множество инженерни измервания.

John Shae Perring - The pyramids of Gizeh: from actual survey and admeasurement. Part I: The Great pyramid, London, James Fraser, 1839

John Shae Perring - The pyramids of Gizeh: from actual survey and admeasurement. Part II: The second and third pyramids, London, James Fraser, 1840

John Shae Perring - The pyramids of Gizeh: from actual survey and admeasurement. Part III: The pyramids to the southward of Gizeh and at Abou Roash, London, James Fraser, 1842

- на английски език, от Heidelberg University Digital Library, формат PDF.Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) и после през бутона Download.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: пирамиди, древноегипетска архитектура, древноегипетски технологии, Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология, фараони, Старо царство, Гиза
Views: 357 | Placed till: 22.02.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
One of the first modern studies of the pyramids at Giza, Saqqara and Abu Roash. The research is focused on the architecture, materials and technologies used in the construction of these monuments. It is accompanied by numerous engineering measurements.

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