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Joyce Filer - Pyramids
10.05.2020, 10:52

Увлекателно и богато илюстрирано представяне на пирамидите в Гиза : един от най-мащабните монументални проекти познати на човечеството. Освен за пирамидите това е разказ и за архитектите и работниците, които са ги построили, за строителните материали и техники, за прилежащите към тях храмове, за погребаните в тях фараони и не на последно място за ограбването им от мародери още в дълбока древност.


Joyce Filer - Pyramids, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2006

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Joyce Filer - Pyramids, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2006

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска археология, Древен Египет, Гиза, пирамиди, фараони, Старо царство, древноегипетска архитектура
Views: 753 | Placed till: 10.06.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Pyramids tells the story of these Egyptian monuments from their earliest beginnings, following their development from the first step pyramid to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Unlike most books on the subject, the volume describes not only the pyramids themselves but also the complexes of temples and walls that surrounded them. It also tells the stories of the kings and builders who created them. Filer follows the story of the pyramids through a study of eight individual sites, each with something different to tell us about the construction of the pyramid complexes, the architects who designed them, the workers who built them, the kings who were buried in them, and the robbers who plundered them.

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