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Mastaba of Werkaure. Tombs AC 26 and AC 32 - Old Kingdom strata
18.04.2024, 05:45

Археологически отчет от подробното проучване на гробници АС 26  (V династия) и АС 32 (VI династия) в Абусир, датиращи от епохата на Старото царство. Изследването включва архитектурно описание, списък на различни археологически находки, изброяване на надписи и знаци оставени от строителите, както и макроботанически анализ на флоралните останки, открити в кирпича за тухлите. Мастабата на Уеркауре, разположена до некропола на царица Хенткаус II е забележителна както с размерите, така и с разположението си в центъра на некропола. Собственикът на гробницата е обозначен изрично като "първороден син на царя".

Jaromír Krejčí, Katarína Arias Kytnarová, Hana Vymazalová, Adéla Pokorná, Jaromír Beneš - Mastaba of Werkaure. Volume I: Tombs AC 26 and AC 32 - Old Kingdom strata, Prague, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague, 2014 [Abusir 24]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска архитектура, древноегипетско изкуство, древноегипетска археология, VI династия, Абусир, Уеркауре, Старо царство, Древен Египет, V династия
Views: 341 | Placed till: 18.05.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The monograph evaluates results of the archaeological research of the area of the Fifth-Dynasty Tomb AC 26 (formerly known as Pyramid Lepsius no. 23) and Late Sixth-Dynasty Tombs AC 32 carried out by the Czech Institute of Egyptology during three archaeological seasons from 2006 until 2009. The publication focuses on archaeological contexts dated to the Old Kingdom. Tomb AC 26 is located next to the pyramid complex of Queen Khentkaus II – in the center of the royal necropolis – it thus demonstrates an important position of its tomb owner. It is also one of the most devastated monuments in the Abusir royal necropolis. This fact made the field work and the evaluation of its results rather difficult. Regardless of its large-scaled destruction it was possible to ascribe Tomb AC 26 to “the Eldest son of the King”, Werkaure. Individual chapters of the book deal with the description and evaluation of the architecture of the tombs, finds datable to the Old Kingdom, a large collection of pottery, masons’ inscriptions and signs, archaeobotanical analyses of macroremains from mud bricks and conclusions – concerning especially dating of the Tombs AC 26 and AC 32.

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