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Mereruka and his family
26.03.2022, 20:28


Мерерука е везир на първия фараон от VI династия Тети (прибл. 2323-2291 г. пр. н.е.). Той е дясната ръка на владетеля и най-могъщият човек в държавата, носи титлите "управител на двореца", "главен жрец-четец", "надзорник на писарите за царски записи" и "ръководител на всички царски дела". Женен е и за дъщерята на фараона - Сешешет Уатетхетхор. 
Мастабата на Мерерука в Сакара е най-величествената гробница, непринадлежаща на член на царската фамилия. Състои се от тридесет и три помещения, свързани с коридори. Вътрешните стени са покрити с оцветени релефи, изпълнени с невероятно изящество. Представените на тях сцени оказват неоценима помощ на учените при пресъздаване на живота и бита на древните египтяни.
Първият том от трилогията е посветен на гробницата на Меритети - внук на фараона Тети и везир на неговия наследник Пепи I. Вторият разглежда гробницата на Уаатетхетхор: най-голямата дъщеря на фараона Тети и съпруга на Мерерука. Третият том представя гробницата на самия Мерерука.

Naguib Kanawati, Mahmud Abder–Raziq - Mereruka and his family. Part I. The tomb of Meryteti, Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2004 [The Australian Centre for Egyptology Reports 21]

Naguib Kanawati, Mahmud Abder–Raziq - Mereruka and his family. Part II. The tomb of Waatetkhethor, Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2008 [The Australian Centre for Egyptology Reports 26]

Naguib Kanawati, Alexandra Woods, Sameh Shafik, Effy Alexakis - Mereruka and his family. Part III.1, The tomb of Mereruka, Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2010 [The Australian Centre for Egyptology Reports 29]

Naguib Kanawati, Alexandra Woods, Sameh Shafik, Effy Alexakis - Mereruka and his family. Part III.2, The tomb of Mereruka, Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2010 [The Australian Centre for Egyptology Reports 30]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска архитектура, тети, VI династия, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска религия, Древен Египет, древноегипетско изкуство, Старо царство
Views: 783 | Placed till: 26.05.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The mastaba of Mereruka is the most extensively decorated tomb of the Old Kingdom. This project intends to document all parts of this tomb beginning with the least accessible to scholars.The first volume is therefore devoted to the chapel and burial chamber of Meryteti, son of Mereruka, grandson of King Teti and vizier of Pepy I.
Waatetkhethor, the eldest daughter of King Teti and wife of the vizier Mereruka, is the only woman buried in the Teti Cemetery who owned a separate chapel and burial chamber in her husband's mastaba. She held a very elevated status and her son, Meryteti, was described as 'eldest son of the king of his body' (see Part I of this publication). The second volume examines her special position and documents all the scenes and inscriptions in her chapel, both in line drawings and colour photographs, and produces architectural drawings of her tomb.
As vizier and husband of King Teti's eldest daughter, Mereruka enjoyed a very special status and built an unusually rich mastaba. The third volume deals with the architecture and art of the exterior of his mastaba and with those of rooms A1-A12 of his magnificent chapel. The variety of themes depicted in this section of the chapel include, fishing and fowling, life in the marshlands, gardening, desert hunt, metal workers and other professions, rendering accounts, poultry house, preparation of food and drink and bringing offerings, entertainment with the harp, etc. The tomb is an essential source of information for most research in the Old Kingdom. In addition to the new and complete record in line drawings and colour photographs, the present book includes studies of the architectural features and the colour conventions in the tomb as well as detailed tabulation of titles, individuals and themes represented. Includes 50 folded line drawings.

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