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Richard A. Parker, Jean Leclant, Jean-Claude Goyon - The edifice of Taharqa by the Sacred Lake of Karnak
11.04.2021, 07:32

Археологически обзор на постройката до свещеното езеро в храма в Карнак, Тя е издигната по разпореждане на Тахарка (690-664 г. пр. н.е.), фараон от XXV династия на Куш и съгласно данните от разкопките е била с култово предназначение.

Richard A. Parker, Jean Leclant, Jean-Claude Goyon - The edifice of Taharqa by the Sacred Lake of Karnak, Providence (RA), Brown University Press, 1979

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска архитектура, куш, XXV династия, Тахарка, Карнак, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска религия
Views: 628 | Placed till: 11.05.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Within the enclosures of the great temple at Karnak in Thebes and adjacent to its sacred waters lies a curious sandstone monument known simply as the Edifice of Taharqa by the Sacred Lake. Built during the reign of the 25th Dynasty Kushite king Taharqa, the vague title of 'edifice' is a result of past and present scholars' puzzlement over the specific religious and ritual nature of the building. A fragment of an architrave records only that it was a festival hall. It had been Decade Festival hall, functioned for Taharqa analogous to Luxor temple where the Feast of the Opet facilitated the rule of kings of the New Kingdom. In the Edifice of Taharqa, the Primeval gods intimately associated with the "first time" and the rebirth of creation have been expanded to fit with the theology of the time. While previous Kushite kings, such as Piye, maintained the tradition of the Opet Festival, Taharqa and his representatives at Thebes chose to focus on the Decade Festival and the sacred rites of Djeme.

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