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Salima Ikram, Aidan Dodson - The Tomb in Ancient Egypt
08.06.2021, 19:23

Вълнуващо приключение през пространството и времето в света на древноегипетските гробници. От погребенията на Преддинастичната епоха през полетата на некрополите в Сакара, Гиза, Тива и на други знакови места в долината на Нил и пустинните оазиси, погребенията на владетели, висши сановници и просто обикновени хора чак до времето на римското владичество ни разказват историите на своите обитатели, често до най-дребните, но любопитни детайли. Томът е изобилно снабден с 350 илюстрации.

Salima Ikram, Aidan Dodson - The Tomb in Ancient Egypt: Royal and Private Sepulchres from the Early Dynastic Period to the Romans, London, Thames & Hudson, 2008

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска архитектура, древноегипетска религия, Древен Египет, древноегипетски гробници
Views: 652 | Placed till: 08.07.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
From the pyramids and royal burial ground in the Valley of the Kings to the tombs of queens such as Ramesses II's consort Nefertari and the far larger number of private tombs of nobles like Rekhmire and Ramose, The Tomb in Ancient Egypt is an unparalleled guide for Egyptophiles everywhere.

Besides the paintings, reliefs, and statues adorning their walls, many tombs show the breathtaking skill of ancient architects, and autobiographical texts found inside several tombs give rare insights into Egyptian life. We read of Harkhuf's African explorations, returning with the gift of a dancing dwarf to his boy-king, Pepy II, and we learn how General Amenemhab saved his king's life when the king was charged by an enraged elephant.

Written by two experts in the field and the authors of The Mummy in Ancient Egypt, this new book traces burial practices in Egypt over three millennia, from the dawn of Egyptian history to the Roman domination. It also illuminates the work of key scholars who excavated and catalogued their finds for posterity, and it includes a comprehensive list of the principal cemeteries, with glossary and maps for ease of reference. 350 illustrations, 40 in color.

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