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Steven Snape - Egyptian Temples
30.12.2018, 13:46

Поредната кратка, но изчерпателна книга от поредицата Shire Egyptology разкрива архитектурните концепции в развитието на древноегипетския храм през хилядолетията.
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- Необичайни архитектурни решения в храмове на Новото царство;
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 [SE 24] Steven Snape - Egyptian Temples, Princes Risborough (Buckinghamshire, UK), Shire Publications, 1996  - на английски език, от Academia.Edu, формат PDF.Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) и после през бутона Download. Academia.Edu изисква регистрация или влизане през Фейсбук/Google акаунт за сваляне на файловете/ Academia.Edu needs a registration (you can use the Facebook or Google account) for downloading.



Added by: Admin |
Views: 1001 | Placed till: 30.01.2019 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Colossal stone temples are one of the most immediately recognisable products of ancient Egyptian civilisation: distinctive in appearance, striking in sheer size and impressive in the skill shown in the carving and painting of their walls. This book looks at what is known about Egyptian temples, their chronological development, and the range of different religious structures referred to under the general heading of temples. Different chapters explain, with illustrations, the nature of Egyptian gods and why they needed temples to built for them, what went on within the buildings, and how priests, acting on behalf of the king, served the god on a daily basis and in regular festivals which involved the population as a whole. It explains the underlying ideas which result in Egyptian temples developing such a particular and peculiar appearance and why both architecture and decoration in Egyptian temples reflect different periods of temple building and different types of temple.

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