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Tomb Complex of the Vizier Qar, His Sons Qar Junior and Senedjemib, and Iykai
16.04.2024, 05:18

Археологически отчет за проучения през 1995-2002 г. от чешки екип погребален комплекс в южната част на Абусир, който включва гробниците на везира Кар, синовете му Кар младши и Сенеджмиб и на Йукай от времето на VI династия (XXIII в. пр. н.е.). Гробниците и заупокойните светилища към тях са богато украсени. Следвайки модела на интердисциплинарния подход изследването представя не само анализ на артефактите и декорацията, както и на историческия контекст, но включва глави за социалния феномен на наследствените длъжности, както и такива посветени на палеоекологията, геофизиката, антропологията, зоологията, палеомедицината и други помощни науки. Съществен принос на този колективен труд е и изясняването на отделни аспекти за причините от екологически характер, довели до рухването на Старото царство.

Miroslav Bárta (ed.) - Tomb Complex of the Vizier Qar, His Sons Qar Junior and Senedjemib, and Iykai, Prague, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague - Dryada, 2009 [Abusir 13; Abusir South 2]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска архитектура, древноегипетско изкуство, древноегипетска археология, Старо царство, Абусир, VI династия, кар
Views: 395 | Placed till: 16.05.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This is first part of publications dealing with the unique complex of the viyier Qar and his sons discovered in Abusir South between 1995-2002. Individual tombs date to the Sixth Dynasty (23rd century BC). The principal tomb belonging to vizier Qar comprised two decorated chapels in the superstructure and a burial chamber decorated as well. The tombs in the immediate vicinity belonged to his sons whose burial chambers still contained a wealth of unique items belonging to the original burial equipment. The present publication also provides a general environmental framework for the period under discussion. 
Тhe complex of the vizier Qar and his sons is dated to the Sixth Dynasty, reign of Teti - Pepy II. It comprises a full record of the tombs of the vizier Qar, Qar Junior, Senedjemib and Tjenti accompanied by chapters on the geology and geophysical survey of Abusir South, faunal and floral remains from the tombs, and anthropological evaluation of the human remains. The second volume will contain the full publication of the tomb complex of Inti with chapters on faunal remains, and restoration methods applied in individual tombs belonging to the family. The final volume will be dedicated to numerous unique finds discovered during the works in the tombs. Their provenance cannot be assessed with certainty and they thus form a distinct group of evidence with much information about the cemetery's later development down to the First Intermediate Period.
This tomb complex provided a vast array of archaeological evidence in terms of architecture, decoration and environmental evidence. Out of the numerous unique features stand out the fully preserved and decorated cult chapel, the decorated burial chamber and large groups of finds from individual burial chambers, among them hundreds of copper implements.
The current publication illustrates the situation of the elite society members, belonging to a single family, in Memphis at the end of the Old Kingdom and shows typical features that led to the ultimate demise of the Old Kingdom state.

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