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William Stevenson Smith - The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt
07.04.2019, 11:25


Класически труд по история на изкуството и архитектурата в Древен Египет от американския египтолог Уилям Стивънсън Смит (1907-1969), куратор на Бостънския музей за изящни искуства.История на архитектурата и изкуството в Древен Египет проследена в хронологичен порядък на зараждане и развитие на формите през епохите на Преддинастичния период, Старото, Средното и Новото царство, упадъка и Саиския ренесанс през Късния период до превръщзнето на Египет в елинистическа монархия (332. г. пр. н.е.).

William Stevenson Smith - The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt, Harmondsworth (Middlesex), Penguin Books, 1958 [Pelican History of Art]

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William Stevenson Smith - Art and Architecture in Ancient Egypt, New Haven (CU), Yale University Press, 1998

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Преддинастичен период, Средно царство, Старо царство, Късен период, древноегипетска архитектура, Древен Египет, Саис, древноегипетско изкуство, Ново царство
Views: 1606 | Placed till: 07.05.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
A wealth of art and architectural treasures survive from Ancient Egypt―a civilization that endured from the fourth millennium B.C. to the conquest of Alexander the Great. In this book, Ancient Egyptian monuments, their decorations, and many other works of art are presented.
The civilisation of Ancient Egypt flourished along the fertile banks of the River Nile. It was a civilisation that extended in virtually unbroken continuity from the fourth millennium B.C. to the conquest of Alexander the Great. During this long era of constancy the architectural and artistic styles characteristic of this civilisation changed and developed from period to period and dynasty to dynasty, as this book so vividly shows.
Monuments with their wall-reliefs and paintings and treasures and decoration as well as many other works of art are beautifully reproduced in over 400 illustrations, many in colour, which alongside this classic text, now revised and with a new updated bibliography, make this volume the definitive survey of this subject, appealing both to students and the general reader.

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