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Ali A.-R. H. El-Khouli - Еgyptian stone vessels. Predynastic period to Dynasty III
08.04.2018, 17:36

Едни от най-изящните и удивителни произведения на древноегипетските майстори са луксозните каменни съдове за ежедневна употреба. Те са удивителни както заради изящните си форми, така и поради съвършенството, достигнато в обработката на този така неподатлив материал. Те присъстват на трапезите на елита от най-дълбока древност почти до края на епохата на фараоните. настоящият тритомен труд е посветен на тяхната поява и развитие от Преддинастичния период до края на III династия (Раннодинастичен период- XXVII в. пр. н.е.) и началото на Старото царство.

Ali Abdel-Rahman Hassanain El-Khouli - Еgyptian stone vessels. Predynastic period to Dynasty III. Typology and analysis. Volume I, London, University College, 1974

Ali Abdel-Rahman Hassanain El-Khouli - Еgyptian stone vessels. Predynastic period to Dynasty III. Typology and analysis. Volume II, London, University College, 1974

Ali Abdel-Rahman Hassanain El-Khouli - Еgyptian stone vessels. Predynastic period to Dynasty III. Typology and analysis. Volume III, London, University College, 1974

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: дреноегипетски технологии, Преддинастичен период, Древен Египет, древноегипетско изкуство, III династия, древноегипетско каменоделство, раннодинастичен период
Views: 1264 | Placed till: 18.09.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Stone vessels are one of the commonest of Ancient Egyptian objects. This dissertation is concerned with the typology and dating ,of stone vessels from the Predynastic Period to the end of the Third Dynasty (c. 2600 B.C.). The bulk of the evidence is presented in the form of a detailed corpus of provenanced vessels, arranged primarily by types, and illustrated in a series of line drawings and photographic plates. Some eight thousand vessels are dealt with, including many hitherto unpublished. Note is taken of previous attempts to establish a typological analysis of stone vessels. The thesis attempts for the first time to organize and classify an unwieldy, but important, mass of material which, it is hoped, may form the basis on which future work on stone vessels may be undertaken. A separate section is devoted to the method of manufacture of the vessels, ancient and modern. Full concordances and indexes are provided at the end of the dissertation.

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