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Danijela Stefanović - Dossiers of Ancient Egyptian Women. The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period
20.04.2020, 16:14

Детайлно проучване за статуса и ролята на жените в Древен Египет през епохата на Средното царство (XXI-XVII в. пр. н.е.) и Втория преходен период (XVII-XVI в. пр. н.е.). 

Danijela Stefanović - Dossiers of Ancient Egyptian Women. The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period, London, Golden House Publications, 2016

- на английски език, от Università di Pisа, формат PDF.Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) и после през бутона Scarica.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, Средно царство, древноегипетско общество
Views: 768 | Placed till: 20.05.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
The book collects more than 400 dossiers of the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period non-royal women. This work is complementary to D. Franke Personendaten aus dem Mittleren Reich (Wiesbaden 1984), and to W. Grajetzki and D. Stefanović, Dossiers of Ancient Egyptians –the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period addition to Franke's ‘Personendaten’ (London 2012) establishing sets of data for women known from more than one source.

2 hzlahun  
Is there any chance to replace the dead link with a working one?
Many thanks in advance!

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