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Geoffrey Killen - Ancient Egyptian Furniture. Volume I-III
27.05.2019, 15:56

Тритомник посветен на древноегипетското дърводелство и древноегипетските мебели през епохата на фараоните. като автор е един от най-добрите модерни познавачи на материята.
Обхванат е целият дълъг период от 4000 г. пр. н.е. до края на епохата на Рамесидите (1300-1070 г. пр.н.е.)
Коментирани са различните видове дървесина, начините на обработка и инструментите и най-вече голямото разнообразие от мебели, използвани от древните египтяни: легла, маси, столове и кресла, табуретки за сядане и подпиране на краката, кутии, ракли, поставки за вази и др.

Geoffrey Killen - Ancient Egyptian Furniture. Volume I.4000-1300 BC, Oxford-Havertown (PA), Oxbow Books, 2017

Geoffrey Killen - Ancient Egyptian Furniture. Volume II. Boxes, chests and Footsools, Oxford-Havertown (PA), Oxbow Books, 2017

Geoffrey Killen - Ancient Egyptian Furniture. Volume III. Ramesside Furniture, Oxford-Havertown (PA), Oxbow Books, 2017


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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетски мебели, Рамесиди, древноегипетски технологии, Древен Египет, древноегипетско дърводелство
Views: 1098 | Placed till: 27.06.2019 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This three volumes set examines the common forms of furniture used in ancient Egypt, so much of which has been preserved by the dry Egyptian climate and has long been admired for the quality of its design and construction. The story begins with the earliest known pieces and ends with the spectacular discoveries from the 18th dynasty represented mainly by the magnificent furniture from the tomb of Tutankhamun. The insight which Dr Killen brings in the detailed explanations of the materials, techniques and designs of the master craftsmen of ancient Egypt, gives this book a special significance. There is a catalogue of known pieces from museums around the world, classified by type – beds, stools, chairs and tables – with detailed analyses of the materials, tools and joinery. The splendid photographs and drawings illustrate each piece and technique.

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