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Giovanni Ruffini - Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity
03.07.2020, 21:14

Изследване на папирусния семеен архив на провинциалния лидер Диоскор от селото Афродито, Южен Египет. Документите описват в цялост различните аспекти от живота в това селище - селскостопански труд, търговия, данъци, граждански и семейноправни теми, както и неизбежно съпътстващите еженевието престъпления - кражби, грабежи и дори убийства. Проследява се изграждането на социални връзки между обикновените хора встрани от намесата на държавата.


Giovanni Ruffini - Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press, 2018

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Giovanni Ruffini - Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press, 2018

- на английски език, от Google Drive,формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска литература, Древен Египет, папируси, древноегипетско общество, древноегипетска икономика, Римски Египет
Views: 365 | Placed till: 03.08.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Most ancient history focuses on the urban elite. Papyrology explores the daily lives of the more typical men and women in antiquity. Aphrodito, a village in sixth-century AD Egypt, is antiquity's best source for micro-level social history. The archive of Dioskoros of Aphrodito introduces thousands of people living the normal business of their lives: loans, rent contracts, work agreements, marriage, divorce. In exceptional cases, the papyri show raw conflict: theft, plunder, murder. Throughout, Dioskoros struggles to keep his family in power in Aphrodito, and to keep Aphrodito independent from the local tax collectors. The emerging picture is a different vision of Roman late antiquity than what we see from the view of the urban elites. It is a world of free peasants building networks of trust largely beyond the reach of the state. Aphrodito's eighth-century AD papyri show that this world dies in the early years of Islamic rule.

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