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Jabulani Mbokazi - Aspects of family in Ancient Egypt
15.12.2019, 03:08

Проучване на семейството в Древен Египет чрез анализ на основните области на неговата дейност и реализация: труд, отглеждане на децата, обучение, религия, бит и ежедневие, отдих и забавления, пътувания, социална организация, икономически статус.

Jabulani Tadeus Mbokazi - Aspects of family in Ancient Egypt. Part I: Text, Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University, 2002

Jabulani Tadeus Mbokazi - Aspects of family in Ancient Egypt. Part II: Figures, Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University, 2002

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско семейство, древноегипетско общество, Древен Египет
Views: 924 | Placed till: 15.01.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This study deals with the ancient Egyptian family. Cultural anthropology is used as a point of departure to reconstruct the daily lives of the ancient Egyptians. Cultural anthropology usually applies to living communities but most of the principles it uses are just as relevant in the study of a dead culture. The emphasis of this study is on the different cultural domains, which include education, religion, family livelihoods, family recreation, entertaimnent and travel and social organization and how these are interrelated. Most of our ancient Egyptian knowledge comes from the tombs of wealthy individuals, and thus incomplete since we have no record of how peasants perceived the world, as they could not afford a good burial. Other sources are the ancient documents and artefacts from town sites all associated with wealthy individuals. While peasants were too poor to send their children to school, wealthier Egyptians did send their children to school especially boys. Agriculture was central in ancient Egyptian life. The nobility and other higher classes depended on the toil of the peasant for basic commodities and food. The peasant families in the rural areas were unable to attend the lavish festivals in the cities. Their basic focus was centred on their homes, families and on the success of the harvest. The peasant had his own private god or gods to whom he could tum for aid or comfort in times of trouble. Surplus items of food, clothing, oil and such like could be used for barter for purchasing essential items for everyday living. During their spare time the Egyptian families entertained friends, engaged in the various pastimes and travel. The peasant, as providers of food, formed an important social base for the Egyptian state.

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