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Matthew J. Adams - The Title xntj-S in the Old Kingdom
17.03.2018, 09:32

Магистърската дисертация изследва прослойката "шентиу-ше" (храмова прислуга) в Древен Египет през епохата на Старото царство. Особен интерес представлява класификацията на различните групи храмови работници: собствено храмови (крепостни) служители - xntjw-S pr-aA, служители към пирамида на владетел и служители към заупокоен храмов комплекс на фараон.

Matthew Joel Adams - The Title xntj-S in the Old Kingdom, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State University, 2003

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Matthew Joel Adams - The Title xntj-S in the Old Kingdom, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State University, 2003

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Matthew Joel Adams - The Title xntj-S in the Old Kingdom, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State University, 2003

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетско общество, шентиу-ше, Старо царство
Views: 1550 | Placed till: 17.04.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The title xntj-S occurs from the Old Kingdom down into the 18th Dynasty. The title has enjoyed a few short treatises on its meaning. However, no one has yet brought all the evidence for these individuals together in one study. Moreover, previous studies have all used a restricted size of sample in their analyses. Compiled here is a prosopography of 250 persons with a xntj-S title, all relevant textual material mentioning the xntjw-S, and an orthographic analysis of the title itself. The combination of these three methods of study, prosopographical, textual, and orthographical, has allowed the current researcher to put forth a more comprehensive study of the xntjw-S than has been attempted before. When one browses prior scholarship on this subject, one is frustrated by the lack of comprehensiveness. The goals of this thesis are: to consult all of the relevant narrative sources, which has not been done previously; to compile and analyze a respectable sample of individuals; and to delve into the orthography in order to produce a comprehensive description of the xntjw-S. This study establishes three categories of xntjw-S, each with very different responsibilities and realms in which they operate—xntjw-S pr-aA, pyramid-compounded xntjw-S, and non-compounded xntjw-S. The underlying connection between the three categories is, of course, the presence of xntjw-S in each version of the title, suggesting a common evolutionary history. In summary, the results of this thesis advocate that, although there is an underlying connection between the three categories of xntjw-S, each category had its own distinct roles, which differed to such a degree that we must translate each title differently. xntjw-S pr-aA should be rendered “attendant,” pyramid-compounded xntjw-S should be rendered “tenant landholder of pyramid X,” and non-compounded xntjw-S should be rendered “royal mortuary complex attendants.”

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