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Maud Slingenberg - Bird Trapping with a Hexagonal Net in the ´Daily Life´ Scenes
12.01.2021, 16:55

Едни от най-красивите фрески в гробниците на Старото царство от Мемфиския некропол са тези, изобрязяващи лов на водоплаващи птици с шестоъгълна мрежа. Макар и само 1% от всички картини (70  бр. от почти 7000), те са предпочитан ловен мотив.
Настоящата дипломна работа има за цел да осветли този уникален аспект от древноегипетското ежедневие като начин за прехрана и развлечение. Особено старателен е опитът за реконструкция на шестоъгълната ловна мрежа и нейната ефективност.

Maud Slingenberg - ´Catch me if you can´; Bird Trapping with a Hexagonal Net in the ´Daily Life´ Scenes in the Old Kingdom Elite Tombs of the Memphite Area. Volume I: Text, Leiden, Leiden University, 2016

Maud Slingenberg - ´Catch me if you can´; Bird Trapping with a Hexagonal Net in the ´Daily Life´ Scenes in the Old Kingdom Elite Tombs of the Memphite Area. Volume II: Appendix I: Tables, Leiden, Leiden University, 2016

Maud Slingenberg - ´Catch me if you can´; Bird Trapping with a Hexagonal Net in the ´Daily Life´ Scenes in the Old Kingdom Elite Tombs of the Memphite Area. Volume II: Appendix II: Plates, Leiden, Leiden University, 2016

- на английски език, от Leiden University Student Repository, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...


Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско изкуство, Древен Египет, Старо царство, древноегипетски бит
Views: 801 | Placed till: 12.02.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The main purpose of this thesis was to systematically study and analyse the scenes showing the catching of waterfowl by means of a hexagonal net found in the published Old Kingdom tombs of the Memphite area and by doing so trying to understand all technical aspects of this net. Although the percentage of scenes showing the catching of waterfowl with a hexagonal net is very small within the decoration program of the tombs (1%: 70 out of 6943 registers), fowling with a ‘hexagonal net’ is the most popular way of fowling depicted.

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