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Naguib Kanawati - Akhmim in the Old Kingdom
17.12.2023, 12:27

Ахмим (египетският Ипу или Хент-Мин, античният Хемис или Панополис) през ерата на фараоните е столица на деветия ном на Горен Египет и център на култа към итифалическия бог Мин. По време на Старото царство негов некропол е Ел-Хававиш, където са погребани много от висшите местни чиновници. Техните гробници дават важни сведения за хронологията на тази епоха, а тази тема е основен предмет на настоящото изследване.

Naguib Kanawati - Akhmim in the Old Kingdom. Part I: Chronology and Administration, Sydney, The Australian Centre for Egyptology, 1992 [The Australian Centre for Egyptology Studies 2]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско общество, древноегипетска археология, Ахмим, древноегипетска религия, Древен Египет, древноегипетска администрация, древноегипетски некрополи, Старо царство
Views: 505 | Placed till: 17.01.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The project of surveying, excavating, recording and preserving the site of El-Hawawish, the cemetery of Akhmim, capital of the ninth province of Upper Egypt, was completed in 1992. This book complements the published series on the rock tombs, and attempts to reconsider the chronology of the officials of UE. 9 and other Upper Egyptian provinces, the dates for many of which differ from those currrently accepted. Whilst concentrating on chronology as well as on civil and religious administration, the book also draws on an analysis of various other aspects such as art, architecture, colour conventions, palaeography, stelae, coffins and pottery.

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