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Joanne-Marie Robinson - Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt
25.12.2020, 06:50

Противно на обичаите  повечето древни и съвременни общества кръвосмесителните бракове между роднини, най-вече брат и сестра, в Древен Египет не са разглеждани като отклонение от нормата, а като легитимна и обичайна практика. Нещо повече - те имат религиозна санкция в мита за брака между Озирис и Изида.
Повечето любители и дори някои професионални египтолози си ги представят като ограничени в рамките на царските династии като ритуална мярка за "съхраняване чистотата на кръвната линия". Всъщност обаче това съвсем не е така. Кръвосмесителните бракове са широко разпространени сред цялото население. На техните причини и последици в икономически и биологичен аспект (за поколението) е посветена настоящата монография.

Joanne-Marie Robinson - ‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water’ – Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt. An exploration of economic and biological outcomes, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020

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Joanne-Marie Robinson - ‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water’ – Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt. An exploration of economic and biological outcomes, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020


Joanne-Marie Robinson - ‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water’ – Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt. An exploration of economic and biological outcomes, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020

- на английски език, от Google Drive, формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско общество, Древен Египет, древноегипетско семейство
Views: 787 | Placed till: 25.03.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Discussions on consanguineous marriage within Egyptology usually focus on brother-sister marriages recorded in census returns from Roman Egypt, or royal sibling marriages amongst the ruling Ptolemies. However, no wide-ranging review exists of non-royal consanguineous marriage in ancient Egypt despite the economic and biological implications of such relationships. This is the first time that evidence for nonroyal consanguineous marriage in ancient Egypt has been collated from select sources spanning the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period and a method created to investigate the potential economic and biological outcomes of these unions, particularly beyond the level of sibling and half-sibling unions. The working definition of consanguineous marriage used throughout this study is that used by clinical geneticists: unions contracted between cousins biologically related as second cousins or closer biological kin. This research argues that for some families, and under certain conditions, consanguineous marriage was a preferred economic strategy in terms of gifts given at marriage and in inheritance, and that families who married consanguineously may have received greater levels of intra-familial support without the expectation of reciprocity. Although there may have been adverse biological outcomes arising from congenital anomalies and genetic disorders in the offspring of consanguineous marriages, the research suggests that it is unlikely that these physical or cognitive disorders were distinguished from other medical disorders in the general health environment of ancient Egypt. The investigation focuses primarily on ancient Egyptian documentary and archaeological sources, including human remains, and is informed by research on consanguinity from a range of disciplines including anthropology, demography, economics and pathology.

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