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Winifred S. Blackman - The Fellahin of Upper Egypt
14.05.2022, 10:48

Един труд по антропология на селското население в Горен Египет, който макар и издаден за първи път през 20-те години на миналия век е все така актуален и търсен. Неговото трайно място се дължи на първо място на уникалността на събрания материал, който продължава да е без аналог в други проучвания, а на второ на успешната комбинация между популярен стил и задълбочен анализ. Автор е Уинфрид Блекман (1872-1950), една от първите жени - професионални антрополози. Изследването има запазено място не само в културната антропология, но и в египтологията и етноархеологията, демонстрирайки нагледно неразривната връзка между днешното население на Египет и техните древни предшественици посредством многобройни и показателни паралели. Аналогичните области на приемственост обхващат жилищата, трудовата дейност, обичаите и ритуалите, вярванията и суеверията, различните амулети и магико-медицински заклинания, изкуството и дори прическите.

Winifred S. Blackman - The Fellahin of Upper Egypt: Their Religious, Social and Industrial Life To-Day with Special Reference to Survivals from Ancient Times, Cairo - New York, American University in Cairo Press, 2000


Winifred S. Blackman - The Fellahin of Upper Egypt: Their Religious, Social and Industrial Life To-Day with Special Reference to Survivals from Ancient Times, Cairo - New York, American University in Cairo Press, 2000

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско наследство, древноегипетско общество, Древен Египет, древноегипетска култура, египтология
Views: 298 | Placed till: 14.06.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Blackman, a household name among anthropologists and Egyptologists alike, was one of the first to gather ethnographic data in Egypt in the form of notes, drawings, photographs, cine-film, and ethnographic objects on subjects ranging from mulids and tattooing to birth rituals. This book, first published in 1927, is testament to the groundbreaking and valuable research she carried out.
Through experience gained while living for long periods in the villages of Upper Egypt, Blackman produced this comprehensive description of the fellahin in Upper Egypt as it was in the early years of the twentieth century. Subject areas include Egyptian villages, industry and agriculture, women and children, customs connected with rites of passage, magic and superstitions, and Muslim sheikhs and Coptic saints.
Blackman was in the unusual position as a scholar of having an interest in both Egyptology and anthropology, and this unusual dual status not only gained her respect in both fields, but also, coupled with her gender, placed her in a unique position in her field of study: she was able to combine a knowledge of ancient and modern Egypt with the opportunity of access to the female members of the rural communities in her research. The Fellahin of Upper Egypt is an invaluable source for Egyptologists and all ethnoarchaeologists and anthropologists focusing on Egypt, and will make fascinating reading for all those with an interest in the culture and social history of rural Egypt.

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