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A History of World Egyptology
26.02.2022, 17:51

Възхитително справочно издание, представящо възникването, развитието и съвременното състояние на научната египтология. Отделните глави представят различните национални школи - френска, английска, немска, египетска, американска, дори екзотични като австралийска или японска. Проследено е и взаимодействието на египтологията с други дисциплини, като социалната история и историята на науката.

Andrew Bednarski, Aidan Dodson, Salima Ikram (eds.) - A History of World Egyptology, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press, 2020

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: египтология, Древен Египет
Views: 541 | Placed till: 26.03.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
A History of World Egyptology is a ground-breaking reference work that traces the study of ancient Egypt. Spanning 150 years and global in purview, it enlarges our understanding of how and why people have looked, and continue to look, into humankind's distant past through the lens of the enduring allure of ancient Egypt. Written by an international team of scholars, the volume investigates how territories around the world have engaged with and have been inspired by Egyptology, and how that engagement has evolved over time. Each chapter presents a specific territory from an institutional and national perspective, while examining a range of transnational links as well. The volume thus touches on multiple strands of scholarship, embracing not only Egyptology, but also social history, the history of science and reception studies. It will appeal to amateurs and professionals alike.

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