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earl of Carnarvon, Howard Carter - Five Years Exploration in Thebes
17.09.2022, 09:39

Един от най-популярните и вълнуващи археологически отчети за всички времена - записките касаещи петгодишните разкопки в Тива през периода 1907-1911, извършени от Джордж Едуард Хърбърт, пети граф на Карнарвън (1866-1923) и Хауърд Картър (1874-1939).

George Herbert; earl of Carnarvon, Howard Carter - Five Years Exploration in Thebes: A Record of Works Done 1907-1911, London-New York, Routledge, 2016

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George Herbert; earl of Carnarvon, Howard Carter - Five Years Exploration in Thebes: A Record of Works Done 1907-1911, London-New York, Henry Frowde-Oxford University Press, 1912

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска археология, Тива, египтология, Древен Египе
Views: 543 | Placed till: 17.10.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This work published in 1912 to record the pioneering and extremely significant excavation undertaken at Thebes by Howard Carter and his team under the patronage of Lord Carnarvon remains the most sensational work of its kind ever undertaken in the field of Egyptology. The work not only excited the international scholarly community but ignited permanently the imagination of the world.

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