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Jed Z. Buchwald, Diane Greco Josefowicz - The Riddle of the Rosetta
19.12.2020, 17:49

Разчитането на древноегипетските йероглифи е не само упорита ежедневна работа, но и вълнуваща надпревара между двама великолепни екциклопедисти и полиглоти от две съперничещи си велики европейски нации в началото на XIX в. За благородното, но и ожесточено съперничество между Жан-Франсоа Шамполион (1790-1832) и Томас Йънг (1773-1829) разказва нова книга.

Jed Z. Buchwald, Diane Greco Josefowicz - The Riddle of the Rosetta: How an English Polymath and a French Polyglot Discovered the Meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Princeton (NJ), Princeton Univesity Press, 2020

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Jed Z. Buchwald, Diane Greco Josefowicz - The Riddle of the Rosetta: How an English Polymath and a French Polyglot Discovered the Meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Princeton (NJ), Princeton Univesity Press, 2020


Jed Z. Buchwald, Diane Greco Josefowicz - The Riddle of the Rosetta: How an English Polymath and a French Polyglot Discovered the Meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Princeton (NJ), Princeton Univesity Press, 2020

- на английски език, от Google Drive, формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, йероглифи, египтология
Views: 654 | Placed till: 19.02.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
In 1799, a French Army officer was rebuilding the defenses of a fort on the banks of the Nile when he discovered an ancient stele fragment bearing a decree inscribed in three different scripts. So begins one of the most familiar tales in Egyptology—that of the Rosetta Stone and the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. This book draws on fresh archival evidence to provide a major new account of how the English polymath Thomas Young and the French philologist Jean-François Champollion vied to be the first to solve the riddle of the Rosetta.

Jed Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz bring to life a bygone age of intellectual adventure. Much more than a decoding exercise centered on a single artifact, the race to decipher the Rosetta Stone reflected broader disputes about language, historical evidence, biblical truth, and the value of classical learning. Buchwald and Josefowicz paint compelling portraits of Young and Champollion, two gifted intellects with altogether different motivations. Young disdained Egyptian culture and saw Egyptian writing as a means to greater knowledge about Greco-Roman antiquity. Champollion, swept up in the political chaos of Restoration France and fiercely opposed to the scholars aligned with throne and altar, admired ancient Egypt and was prepared to upend conventional wisdom to solve the mystery of the hieroglyphs.

Taking readers from the hushed lecture rooms of the Institut de France to the windswept monuments of the Valley of the Kings, The Riddle of the Rosetta reveals the untold story behind one of the nineteenth century’s most thrilling discoveries.

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